What could be better than to go to the sea? Even better is to discover the underwater world with all of its unique beauty. You can join us and learn diving in Montenegro. We organize diving for beginners and certified divers. We also teach diving according to international system PADI
Make your dives more interesting and fun, develop your knowledge
and improve skills in scuba diving with us!

Open Water Diver
5 theory lessons; 5 dives in confined water; 4 dives in open water. Course duration 5 - 6 days. The maximum depth is 18 meters...

An interesting course will introduce your child to the rules of diving and equipment under the strict guidance of our professional ...

Discover Scuba Diving
The first scuba dive and introduction to the basic diving rules and diving equipmenare included in the program PADI Discover ...
Make your dives more interesting and fun,
develop your knowledge and improve skills in scuba diving with us!
Specialty «Peak Performance Buoyancy»
Buoyancy is one of the most important skills of the diver. As part of this special course you’ll be able to improve the buoyancy skills (check buoyancy, distribution of goods, streamlining). As the result you will save your own energy and reduce air consumption during a dive.
Specialty «Digital Underwater Photographer»
If you want to learn how to make beautiful underwater photos this special course for you! During this special course you will learn the basics of underwater photography, how to avoid errors making by newcomers, how to choose a modern camera and underwater box for it, as well as the methods of maintaining of the photo equipment.
Specialty «Search and Recovery Diver»
Sometimes you may need to search for and catch up of sunken objects: masks had fallen from a boat or a large object underwater. During this special course you will learn the basics of diving, as well as get acquainted with the methods of raising the wreck, which are depending on the weight and size of the object.
Specialty «Underwater Navigator»
It’s very important to be able to determine your location under water and be able to navigate under water to find the wreck or reef scenic. During this special course you will learn the basics of orientation underwater and how to measure the distance underwater and how to use a compass. Also you will do some exercises for orientation.